It is very simply to use:-
"All you have to do is to work the Eumora facial bar into lather, gently massage into the skin, leave it
on to permeate your skin for 3 minutes and wash off with water. Admire the effects of Eumora conditioned skin in the mirror, as it continues throughout the day."
1) 如果未用Eumora前,覺得臉很骯髒,建議先用其他的洗臉霜洗臉先哦!因為Eumora有緊實,還有護膚的效果,臉洗干淨後再用效果會更佳!
2) 将双手打湿, 把Eumora bar在手上搓两下, 像用肥皂洗手一样, 手上会留下一些细小的泡沫
3) 然后把手上的这些泡泡均匀抹在脸上, 眼眶周围, 脖子, 如果手上还留下些, 就抹在手臂上
以及任何你想用的地方, 例如肚子, 全身部份.
4) 让产品在脸上身体其它部份停留3分钟, 然后再用清水轻轻冲洗掉, 再轻轻拍干. 不要用力